Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hypothyroidism - Vitamins And Minerals - The Natural Aid As A Remedy

There are some nutrients i.e. Vitamins and minerals those are very leading to thyroid function. Some of the supplements that seem like a good idea for roughly all hypothyroid patients in the world to take. You can go for these vitamins and minerals on the regular basis. The benefit of taking these elements is they are not only good for hypothyroidism but even if you have euthyroid, these trace elements will be helpful to restore you energy level and boost up your body systems and immunity.

Hypothyroidism is the condition in which, the thyroid gland produces the estimate of its hormone thyroxin that is not sufficient as per the body's requirement. Since the hormone is directly associated to the body's metabolism, the whole body mechanism gets disturbed when there is malfunctioning of the gland or alteration in the hormone quality and quantity.

Potassium IOdide

Here is the list of vitamins and minerals one should be acquainted with:

Hypothyroidism - Vitamins And Minerals - The Natural Aid As A Remedy

o Selenium: Selenium is used in the synthesis of T3 from T4. If the blood test reveals that your T3 levels are lagged behind your T4 levels, you should try for the supplement that contains the selenium. However, one should take this supplement after consulting the doctor.

o B vitamins: The group of vitamin B is very helpful to the body's synthesis of T4. A appropriate vitamin B involved supplement will ensure that you are getting sufficient food for your thyroid gland.

o Iodine: iodine insufficiency is one of the leading causes hypothyroidism in poor countries. Iodine supplements can be taken by whether iodine pills or by iodine salt. Here, it should be marked that iodine supplement should only be taken if you have iodine insufficiency hypothyroidism because too much iodine also alters the normal thyroid function.

o Zinc: Researches present that severe zinc insufficiency can ask hypothyroidism. Unlike iodine deficiency, it is rare for the people who are living in healthy atmosphere in industrialized countries.

o Calcium/Magnesium/Potassium: They are mentioned together as the ratio in which one should take them is very important. They work perfect with zinc as they regulate the cellular metabolism. Deficiencies can interfere with cell's quality to digest the nutrients properly. The hormones may not be utilized well and fully. These supplements are easy to get as over-the-counter medicines do contain these kinds of tablets. You can also go for the vegetables and fruits containing such elements as homemade remedy.

o Vitamin A: The condition hypothyroidism can apparently impair the body's capacity to turn beta-carotene into most valuable vitamin A and therefore, the supplementation of vitamin A is ordinarily recommended to patients who do not consume sufficient amounts of their daily diet and lack of nutrition. You should consult your doctor for the permissible dosage of vitamin A as higher dosage of vitamin A may produce adverse and unwanted effects.

Vitamins are very leading for the human body to fight against the disease. They build immunity in the body and accelerate the sluggish metabolic rate in the body.

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Hypothyroidism - Vitamins And Minerals - The Natural Aid As A Remedy

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Radiation and Your Thyroid: 7 considerable Tips You Should Know

The devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in March -- and damaged its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant -- has sparked worldwide concern about the health effects of radiation exposure. Some in the United States have even begun hoarding potassium iodide (Ki) supplements due to their potential to safe the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine.

As it stands, the U.S. Environmental safety branch (Epa) has been monitoring radiation levels across the country, noting levels that are slightly higher than normal but "still far below levels of group health concern." So for now it appears that radiation threats to those living in the United States are minimal.

Potassium IOdide

That said, radiation is a specific threat to your thyroid health, and it's a good idea to be aware of the risks, especially if you live near a nuclear power plant. Your thyroid is particularly vulnerable to radiation poisoning as it actively uptakes iodine from your blood to make thyroid hormones. If you're exposed to radioactive iodine, together with iodine-131, a radioactive isotope released from the Japanese nuclear plant, your thyroid will not know the disagreement and will take in the radioactive substance.

Radiation and Your Thyroid: 7 considerable Tips You Should Know

If your thyroid absorbs too much radioactive iodine, it can lead to thyroid cancer years later.

Nuclear accidents are, unfortunately, an clear reality in the 21st century, so it's important to stay informed about what to do in the event of a nuclear emergency.

Essential Radiation Info to safe Your Thyroid health and More

1. Potassium Iodide Can Help safe Your Thyroid

Potassium iodide pills can help safe your thyroid from radioactive material. By taking potassium iodide (a stable form of iodine), you can essentially flood your ideas with so much iodine that your body will have no need to uptake the radioactive form, thereby protecting your thyroid from the damaging effects.

The U.S. State branch has already given Ki pills to U.S. Personnel residing in the Japanese danger zones, but so far there appears to be no need for U.S. Citizens in the United States to take the pills.

2. Potassium Iodide Should Not be Taken Unnecessarily

Taking potassium iodide unnecessarily is not a good idea, as it can lead to serious side effects together with even hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

For now, if you live in the United States taking Ki as a precautionary quantum is Not recommended, agreeing to a joint statement released by The American connection of Clinical Endocrinologists, the American Thyroid Association, The Endocrine society and the society of Nuclear Medicine.

3. Pregnant Women and Children are Most at Risk

Developing fetuses, infants and children are most at risk of thyroid damage from exposure to radioactive iodine. For this reason, group health agencies propose Ki be given to all infants (including breast-fed infants), children, young adults, pregnant women and breastfeeding women in the permissible doses following exposure to radioactive iodine.

Careful attentiveness must be given to permissible dosages for newborns, as giving too much Ki, or giving it for too long a period, can lead to hypothyroidism in the baby.

Generally speaking, habitancy over 40 are at the bottom risk of thyroid damage from radioactive iodine and only need to take Ki if exposure to a very high level of radiation is expected.

4. Potassium Iodide Only Protects Your Thyroid, and is Only beneficial Against One Type of Radiation

There is some misconception that Ki is an anti-radiation pill that can stave off all of radiation's ill effects. In reality, Ki only protects against radioactive iodine, which is just one type of radiation released while nuclear accidents. Further, it only protects your thyroid from damage, not the rest of your body.

That said, most nuclear emergencies do involve the release of radioactive iodine, and your thyroid is most at risk from this type of radiation, so taking Ki is typically a beneficial approach.

5. You Can be Exposed to Radiation from Air, Food, Water and More

Inhaling radiation from the air is only one route of exposure. Radioactive iodine can also fall to the ground -- known as "fallout" -- contaminating water supplies and crops. Radiation can also enter the food chain, for instance falling on grass eaten by cows, important to contaminated milk.

The Epa has currently detected radioactive iodine-131 in milk in Spokane, Washington but reports that it is at levels 5,000 times lower than the Fda's "Derived Intervention Level" -- and is therefore not a concern at this time. Several states have also detected iodine-131 in rain water, lakes, rivers and reservoirs, but again this was at very low levels that are unlikely to harm human health.[1]

6. You Can prepare Yourself and Your house for Nuclear Emergencies

Again, it is Not recommended that habitancy in the United States take Ki at this time due to radiation from Japan. However, the American Thyroid connection (Ata) does propose having potassium iodide on hand if you live near a U.S. Nuclear facility.

Specifically, Ata advises habitancy living within 50 mile of a nuclear plant to keep a stockpile of Ki in their home. For those living within 200 miles, Ata recommends stockpiles be kept in hospitals, schools, police stations and other group buildings. And for those living more than 200 miles from a plant, Ata recommends Ki be ready from national stockpiles if necessary.

Potassium iodide is a non-prescription supplement and is therefore ready over the counter, manufacture it very easy to get. However, it only prevents your thyroid from intriguing radioactive iodine for about 24 hours. This means it should only be taken once a day while a radiation risk is gift -- not as a preventive in the days prior to exposure.

7. Potassium Iodide is Only One Level of Protection

In the event of a nuclear emergency, local authorities will likely propose the group if supplementation with Ki is recommended. However, this is only one step toward protection. Ordinarily speaking, if a nuclear accident occurs you should leave the area immediately or, if that is not possible, stay in an unventilated safe shelter with the doors and windows sealed. You should also avoid intriguing any contaminated food, milk or water.

Again, health risks to Americans from radioactive iodine from Japan appear minimal to non-existent at this time, so it is Not necessary, nor safe, to take potassium iodide. However, if you live near a nuclear plant in the United States, and there are many of them, you may want to keep Several doses on hand -- especially if you have young children -- so you are well prepared to safe your thyroid in the event of a nuclear accident on U.S. Soil.


1. Centers for Disease operate and Prevention, oftentimes Asked Questions About Iodine-131 Found in exterior Water

Radiation and Your Thyroid: 7 considerable Tips You Should Know

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Radiation protection Products - Protecting Yourself From Harmful But principal Radiation

Some radiation is inevitable, and humans are enduringly exposed to natural radiation from soil, building materials like marble and granite, cell phone towers, and excess radiation in flights at or above 20,000 feet.

Medical radiation, from X-rays, also contributes. These scans, which are so critical to diagnosis and cure, are also inherently dangerous, particularly if given more than a dozen times a year. The most danger is to the thyroid gland, and this is why governments routinely distribute potassium iodide tablets in the event of accidental radiation exposures, as in a nuclear plant failure.

Potassium IOdide

Radiation safety tool for both radiologist and patient is a approved in facilities that offer X-rays. This tool can run the gamut from lead-lined vests, or aprons, to lap shields for use by women of childbearing age and thyroid neck shields.

Radiation protection Products - Protecting Yourself From Harmful But principal Radiation

The Xenolite radiation safety lead apron, a scientific progress in shielding technology, was first developed in 1991 by DuPont and represents the world's first lightweight, multi-element, composite X-ray safety material. Designed specifically to replace traditional lead shielding, Xenolite is, as its name implies, about half the weight of lead, reducing the element of weight-fatigue for technicians who must wear shielding all day. Equally as important, disposal of Xenolite aprons and vests eliminates the environmental hazard of lead disposal.

Protective aprons for technicians and patients also come in lightweight models with removable lead panels, making aprons fully disposable without recycling once the panels are removed.

In expanding to aprons, protective gloves, glasses and masks (which offer a greater outside area of protection), radiologists can safe themselves with lightweight, ergonomically designed thyroid collars. To safe their patients, technicians can arm themselves with man dissimilar types of radiation safety products such as rolling lead shields, overhead shields, and individualized shields which safe gonads, the reproductive area, the spine, and even the neck with flexible, comfortable thyroid shields.

X-rays are an critical tool of contemporary medicine, and protecting humans from their possible danger is a critical component.

Radiation protection Products - Protecting Yourself From Harmful But principal Radiation

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Natural Sea Salt Versus Table Salt, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

If you have read other health articles that I've written you know that I am not a believer in Man messing with mom Nature when it comes to the food we eat. In this record I want to address a base spice we all use on a daily basis. Salt!

Salt as we know it is a pure white free flowing spice that we find requisite to flavoring our daily foods. usually one doesn't even think about it much unless we have a healing health where a doctor will tell us to decrease the number of salt intake.

Potassium IOdide

Table salt is usually rock or ocean salt that is mined, heat blasted, chemically treated, and then anti-caking agents and iodine added to it. What you have left is table salt that is basically dead. It is now just dry sodium and chloride. Once again man is cheating us of one of mom Natures most excellent foods. Processed salt is now devoid of all the requisite minerals and macrobiotic nutrients that our bodies need to survive.

Natural Sea Salt Versus Table Salt, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Consider this, when you cry your tears are salty, and if you've cut yourself and tasted your blood, you know it is salty. The fluids in our bodies are like an ocean environment. Salt is requisite for life and yet our bodies cannot make it so it must come from an outside source. Most often it comes from meat or regular table salt. The problem is that our bodies don't precisely know what to do with processed salt. Years of processed salt intake can damage practically all areas of the body such as the heart, kidneys, muscles and bones and it is processed salt that bloats us and causes water retention. Processed salt can put a body out of balance. agreeing to Dr Langre's book, population that have an aversion to salt or tell you they dislike salt most likely have too much sodium chloride attached to their organs and tissues, are precisely telling you that they are sick and are in need of requisite minerals.

100% natural sea salt maintains its integrity. Quite frankly, natural, organic sea salt is completely unfooled around with and is still harvested the same way it was done 2000 years ago by French salt farmers. It is hand raked and left in the sun to dry. All of the trace and micro-nutrients are fully intact. The accurate balance of sodium and chloride are gift as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium and 90 other trace and micro-nutrients. These are expensed minerals that hold a lot of moisture and are grey in color. If your sea salt from the health food store is white and free flowing then it is processed and should not be used.

When natural sea salt is ingested, it immediately works with the saliva in the mouth (amalese in particular) and starts the digestive process. The more minerals gift in the mouth the more digestion takes place. Digestion continues in the stomach. Natural organic sea salt has been known to lower blood pressure and decrease water retention. It enables the liver, kidneys and adrenals to work much more efficiently. It can boost the immune system. Natural sea salt has all the elements of the ocean and this means that the survival potential of a body is much greater than if you remove these vital elements.

Do your body good and get natural grey sea salt. It won't pour like table salt because of the moisture content, but the health benefits can be significant.

Natural Sea Salt Versus Table Salt, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Proteins, Fats And Sugars

All living organisms need foodstuffs to continue living, or to continue their lives and keep surviving, successful and in some cases, growing.

Proteins, fats and sugars are all of nutritional value to living organisms. All three have a great point as the donors of building materials and providers of power for both plants and animals.

Potassium IOdide

All three are organic molecules, and they can all three be found as constituents of the foods that are derived from both plant and animal matter.

Proteins, Fats And Sugars

Sugars are most often found in nature in foodstuffs, those substances which are ingested. They take part in the synthesis of both Dna and Rna. Sugars can be divided into two groups: the easy sugars (monosaccharides) and more complicated sugars (polysaccharides), which are composed of complicated units of monosaccharides.

Fats are energetically the most concentrated of all sustenance materials. They are found in both plant and animal organisms, serving these living organisms as a source of energy. Thanks to their chemical structure, they can provide organisms with the most number of power potential from the least number of matter. Because most animals, together with humans, need to keep a store of power for times when it is needed, it is clear that these shop of fat cannot be shed at any time when an organism deems it so necessary. In other words, an organism cannot rid itself of fat just because it wants to. This explains why it is so difficult to lose unwanted weight, or fat. Fats are composed of tertiary alcohols. Plant fats are naturally-occurring liquids, with viscous qualities. Animal fats are, of course, solids at room temperature.

Proteins are composed of long chains of amino acids. Amino acids are molecules which are composed of one amino group and one carboxylic group. Proteins can be composed of more than 200 amino acids. Most of these are water soluble. Organic compounds include a great number of proteins, so that living organisms are constantly, if only gradually, assimilating materials from covering their bodies. Proteins are one of these ingested substances. Of course, some of the substances ingested can be harmful. Among these are the heavy metals, together with lead. It is also foremost for organisms to be wary of high temperatures (body temperature higher than 42° C is very dangerous for living organisms - inordinate temperature). an additional one danger is organic solvents such as benzene, which can damage living systems and can destroy them completely if the attention introduced is excessive.


Sugars, proteins and fats are highly important, especially for the lives of human beings.

As chemical raw materials, fats serve in the yield of basic cleaning materials and are an foremost component in many cosmetics. The point of sugars as a chemical manufactures raw material is growing, because they are raw materials which are very easy to grow.

Cellulose is an irreplacable raw material in the yield of paper. It is also used in the yield of chemical fibres (viscoses).

Starches are seeing ever greater uses in the yield of synthetic fibres and plastics, for example as thermoplastics.

Raw sugar is used in the yield of alcohol which is seeing use as an environmental motor fuel.

Fats and Oils

Fats are a needful part of our diet. In nature, they can be found in every higher form of life, in every organic compound. They are energetically the richest of all biomaterials found in nature. For that reason, every organism builds up a provide of fats in its cells.

Fats and oils are esters of assorted carboxylic acids with glycerine. Glycerine has in its molecule three hydroxyl groups. These can interact with both saturated and unsaturated carboxylic acids to form assorted lengths of molecules held together by ester bonds. Carboxylic acids bond using this esteric bond to the hydroxylic group of glycerine. This bond can be broken using a base. In the dissociation reaction that follows, the salt of an alkaline metal is formed, as is carboxylic acid and glycerine. Because glycerine can bond with three carboxylic acids, we call both fats and oils triglycerides.

Fats include saturated carboxylic acids and are therefore solid. The distance of their chain ranges in the middle of 16 and 18 carbon atoms. Animal fat mostly contains palmitic, stearic and oleic acids. Plant fats, on the other hand, include unsaturated acids which animal cells are unable to synthesise.

Since these are needful to good health, animals must consume them in order to say normal life functions. A large number of unsaturated fatty acids reduces melting point. Fats are not soluble in water, but they are very soluble in organic solvents. Of all the assorted biomaterials, fats include the most joules. The number of joules a material contains is equivalent to the number of power one unit of material can release. The joule is a fairly new quantity. In the past, calories were used to part the number of energy, but now, the new unit of estimation is the joule, thanks to international agreement. Both units, however, can be seen as the part of power a food or other substance contains on its packaging in supermarkets and grocery stores.

Fats are gift in every plant and animal cell because they are an ideal source of energy, and a good withhold material as well. Fat article in plant seeds can range up to 50% (cocoa, nuts, rape). In the cells of animals, fat is often stored in the form of fat tissue.

Vitamins are an additional one needful basic material for our bodies. There are two types of vitamins: those that dissolve in water, and those that dissolve in fat. This is an additional one think why fats are so needful for our bodies. They serve as a transportation law for some of the vitamins we ingest. An organism which is completely lacking in fat could also lack some of the vitamins needful to our health, and could fall ill, on the one hand because of a lack of fats, on the other hand because vitamins ingested could not be dissolved, and could therefore not be used. For example, the vitamins contained in carrots could not be ingested if not for the presence of fats.

Oils are esters of glycerine with mostly unsaturated carboxylic acids. Under normal conditions they are found as liquids.

Because fats and oils are easily mixtures of esters, they do not have one clear boiling point. We speak rather of an area of boiling, an approximate temperature. This temperature is lower the more unsaturated bonds of carboxylic acids contained in the triglyceride. Fats and oils are lighter than water in their pure form. They are odourless and tasteless.

Fats and oils are used in the cosmetic industry, in the yield of cleaning products and of policy in the yield of food products.


Sugars is the normal term given to the widest collection of naturally-occurring substances.

In the past, hydrocarbons were incorrectly understood as the hydrates of carbon, hence the name hydrocarbons. The new name of this group is saccharides. Sugars are, however, chemically polyalcohols whose original and secondary hydroxyl groups have oxidised to an aldehyde or ketone group.

Sugars are compounds whose chemical properties are similar to those of sugars. We can differentiate in the middle of monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides (sacharum = Latin sugar). Monosaccharides are easy sugars and recount the basic building block of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides can be synthetically produced by the oxidation of chain alcohols which have complicated hydroxyl groups. The goods of this reaction is one aldehyde group.

According to the number of carbon atoms in a molecule, we can differentiate in the middle of biosams (2), triosams (3), tetrosams (4), pentosams (5), hexosams (6) and heptosams (7). Monosaccharides commonly have a circular shape. The ring is composed of one atom of oxygen with 4 or 5 carbon atoms.

Biologically foremost hexosams include glucose and fructose. In glucose, the ring closes in the middle of carbon atoms C1 and C5. In fructose, the ring closes in the middle of atoms C2 and C6.

One of the most foremost monosaccharides is glucose, with the chemical recipe C6H12O6. Most living organisms are able to break down glucose the fastest, using the power its bonds contained.

Glucose is produced in plants from carbon dioxide and water thanks to the photochemical process known as photosynthesis. Plants then store glucose, commonly changing it into starch, which is used as a withhold substance. Animals, on the other hand, use glycogen as an power reserve. Glycogen is a polysaccharide, as is glucose.

Oligosaccharides are composed of two to ten molecules of monosaccharides which are bonded together by a glycosidic bond. Sucrose (beet sugar, raw sugar) is a disaccharide composed of one molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose. The mutual bond lies in the middle of hydroxyl groups on atom C1 of glucose and the hydroxyl group of atom C2 of fructose. In the synthesis reaction which bonds these two groups, a water molecule is produced. This type of reaction is known as a condensation reaction. an additional one disaccharide is maltose. Maltose is produced while the digestion of starch and in the kernels of cereal grains. It is composed of two molecules of glucose.

Polysaccharides are composed of more than ten monosaccharides. They are biological macromolecules. The most needful polysaccharides found in nature are starch and cellulose. Starches are granary sugars in plants. They are composed of a molecule of glucose which is bonded with a glycosidic bond a -1,4- and occurs as amylose or amylopectin. Amylose is a molecule composed of around 10,000 molecules of glucose. Amylopectin is made of around 1 million glucose ligands. Contrary to amylose, it is branched. Cellulose is composed of glucose molecules, but of course, these are bonded together with glycosidic bonds b - 1,4. Cellulose is formed by an unbranched chain which is arranged in the cellular walls of plants, with 60-70 molecules grouped together, so-called microfibriles. Hydrogen bonds form in the middle of molecules of cellulose. Animals are not capable of breaking down the glycosidic bonds of cellulose b -1,4-. For this reason, cellulose is not a desirable foodstuff for animals, although its building blocks are molecules of glucose. Ruminants (livestock) can dispell cellulose, because their stomachs include bacteria which can breakdown cellulose. This bacteria living in the stomachs of ruminants is an example of symbiosis.


The verification of glucose is carried out using a technique called the Fehling tests (a Fehling clarification with mmj. Is made of copper sulphates and tartrate - salts of wine acids). After warming, the Fehling solution, which was blue, produces a reddish, cubic copper oxide precipitate.

Štarches are indicated with the help of a clarification of mixed iodine in potassium iodide (a Lugol solution). In the presence of starch, the clarification turns blue. This colouring comes about by the increasing of iodine to the spirally-shaped starch. When heated, the spiralled structure straightens out, at which time molecules of iodine are released, and the blue colour disappears. When the clarification is cooled, the blue colour reappears, because the helical structure is renewed, and iodine adds onto the compound.

Proteins, the building Blocks of Life

Amino acids are among the organic compounds with complicated functional groups. They are foremost compounds found in living organisms, forming most importantly proteins. There are 20 amino acids which occur most frequently in nature. All amino acids have one carboxylic group (-Cooh-) and one amino group (-Nh2). Naturally-occurring amino acids have an amino group bonded to a carbon atom a - and are therefore called a -amino acids. The rest of the molecule ( R ) can have a collection of structures.This molecule rest is called a lateral chain. synthetic amino acids can include an amino group and other carbon atoms.

The naming of amino acids is derived from the names included in other hydrocarbon chain compounds. The simplest amino acid is glycine, which is derived from ethane and is therefore called acid a -aminoethane. With more complicated amino acids, however, systematic names are used only rarely. It is more usual to use their trivial names, with the assorted prefixes of three letters added onto the starting of glycin: gly, alanin, ala, leucin, leu, and so forth.

Amino acids can be categorised according to the chemical properties of their lateral chains. There are neutral amino acids, basic amino acids and acidic amino acids. Neutral amino acids have a hydrocarbon lateral chain which can be of whether polar or non-polar character. Basic amino acids include an extra amino group in their lateral chains. Acidic amino acids include a carboxylic group in their lateral chains.

A condensation is a chemical reaction in which molecules in larger aggregates join together, and release water in so doing. Among the amino acids, condensation can come about when the bond in the middle of an amino group of an amino acid and the carboxylic group of a second amino acid join together.

This bond, the succeed of a condensation reaction of two amino acids, is called a peptide bond It is given by the chemical recipe (-Co-Nh-).

The bonding of a large number of amino acids can succeed in a long-chained amino acid. The synthesis of this type of chained molecule is called a polycondensation.

Thanks to its functional group, amino acids show some of the same characteristics as bases, as well as some of those characteristics shown by acids. Compounds which react as both bases and acids are called ampholytes. In an aqueous clarification or in the solid phase of matter, the carboxylic group is negatively charged. If protons are released into solution, and an amino group accepts one of the protons, it becomes easily charged. Because amino acids are expensed both easily and negatively at the same time, we call them amphions. In an acidic environment (low pH value due to the presence of excess easily expensed protons), an amino group is able to accept one of these protons, so that a easily expensed ion is produced. As long as the attention of free protons drops below a distinct value (pH increases), the carboxylic group loses its proton, becoming a negatively expensed ion - an anion.

Appearance and Significance

Peptides and proteins are molecules made of amino acids. They occur in living organisms and in every known group of natural substances, and they serve a number of purposes.

Peptides are chains which are composed of up to 100 amino acids, all bonded together by peptide bonds. Formation of the chain is potential thanks to the presence of both functional groups in the amino acid molecule. The starting of the peptide chain all the time starts with an amino acid bond which has a free amino group (with N at the end). At the other end of the peptide chain is an amino group with a free carboxylic group (with C at the end). Peptides can be divided into oligopeptides (2-9 amino acids) and polypeptides (10-100 amino acids). Peptides are, for example, foremost as hormones which run our corporal functions.

Albumens and Proteins

Albumens and proteins are macromolecules which are composed of more than 100 naturally-occurring amino acids. Amino acids bond one to the next, as in peptides bonded together with a peptide bond. A chain of proteins is composed of a distinct number and order of 20 amino acids, which we call an amino acid sequence. When we concentrate the 20 most often occurring amino acids in all their myriad ways as macromolecules, we get an startling number of combinations, or of different proteins. Because proteins can form very long molecules, we call them macromolecules (makros = Greek big). Every protein has its typical amino acid sequence. These are called original structure proteins. Protein molecules have a distinct spatial structure as well. Their molecules can be spiral in shape, or they can have the shape of a folded leaf. These types of protein structures are called secondary structure proteins. This structure is typical for the fibrous proteins of animals. In globular proteins, the spiral structure and the folded structure are merged thanks to both structures serving mutually needful functions. The succeed is the formation of a spherically shaped structure. This globular structure is a three-dimensional protein structure and is held in place with the help of van der Waals forces, which keep its ions attracted to sulphide bridges. Although fibrous proteins are not water soluble, globular proteins do mix with water.

Proteins are one of the most foremost constituents of the structure of living organisms. They form enzymes, antibodies and some hormones.

Proteins turn yellow in the presence of nitric acid (xanthoprotein reaction). If, however, nitric acid comes into palpate with the skin, for example on the hand, a yellow-brown spot appears that will not wash off and will fade only very slowly. Proteins denature when heated or when in the presence of alcohol, because their three-dimensional structure is destroyed. The protein loses its solubility, and falls out of, or precipitates out of, solution.

Hydrolysis as the Opposite of Condensation

Protein and peptide chains can be dissociated, or broken down, into their basic building blocks, or into amino acids. In this reaction, the peptide bonds are broken, and water molecules are bonded onto their constituent parts. This is called a hydrolysis reaction, and it is the opposite of a condensation reaction. The hydrolysis of peptides and proteins takes place in the cells of living organisms, as well as when organisms dispell foods in their digestive systems. Enzymes take part in this process as well, accelerating it in a way similar to that of a catalyst.

Proteins, Fats And Sugars

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